Unpacking the government’s response: Exploring the QAR with Michelle Levy and Sarah Abood in an exclusive, free webcast
In the second instalment of our exclusive, live and free webcast on the Quality of Advice Review (QAR), we explore the government’s response with review lead Michelle Levy and FAAA CEO Sarah Abood.
On 13 June, Financial Services Minister Stephen Jones unveiled the government’s anticipated response to the QAR and pledged his support for 14 of the 22 recommendations made by Ms Levy.
The minister said the government’s legislative response will be divided into three streams, with stream one set to prioritise recommendations alleviating red tape pressures on advisers. Among them are the removal of fee disclosure statements, the replacement of statements of advice (SOAs) with “fit-for-purpose” advice records, and the elimination of the safe harbour steps from the best interests duty.
Stream two of the reforms – dubbed the “expanding access to retirement income advice” stream – will see superannuation funds expand their provision of advice, while stream three promises to further scrutinise the remaining eight recommendations. Among the latter is recommendation one proposing a broader definition of personal advice, and recommendation four pushing for the introduction of a good advice duty.
In this webcast we will discuss Ms Levy’s and Ms Abood’s thoughts on what the government has so far delivered, while exploring the technical implications of the promises made.
Join us to hear the latest on:
- The minister’s promises to date and how he intends to move forward with the adoption of the 14 recommendations
- The future of SOAs and what a more “fit-for-purpose” document could look like
- Can super funds provide sound advice without the good advice duty?
- Why Ms Levy believes the absence of good advice exposes funds to conflicts of interest
- What the single form for ongoing fee renewal and consent requirements could look like
- What exemptions the government intends to simplify to the ban on conflicted remuneration
- Are super funds the real winners of the QAR?
And much more.
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